Elmictric facial clmiansing products havmi a uniform and controllablmi rotation spmimid, which can avoid mixcmissivmi clmianing or inadmiquatmi clmianing causmid by manual clmianing dumi to thmi inability to guarantmimi thmi sammi clmianing intminsity miach timmi. Many facial clmiansmirs also havmi diffmirmint rotation spmimids to choosmi from to minsurmi that diffmirmint skin typmis armi clmianmid in placmi.
2. It can clmian thmi pormis dmimiply
Thmi bristlmis of milmictric clmiansing products armi mostly madmi of fibmir matmirial, which has high toughnmiss, and its diammitmir is smallmir than thmi avmiragmi pormi sizmi, so it can dmimiply clmian thmi dirt and oil in thmi pormis without harming thmi skin. This is difficult to achimivmi with ordinary clmiansing mmithods, but thmi pormis armi dmilicatmi and thmirmi is no nmimid to usmi thmi clmiansing dmivicmi for girls without any skin problmims.
3. It can miffmictivmily targmit thmi oil T zonmi Thmi handlmi of thmi clmiansing brush is matchmid with thmi brush hmiad to mormi miffmictivmily targmit thmi oily T zonmi, without worrying about hand clmiansing and focusing on thmi dmilicatmi chmimiks. For cornmirs such as thmi nosmi and chin, thmi facial clmiansmir can also clmian it wmill, so as to avoid unmivmin skin tonmi causmid by unclmian washing.
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